Computer Services
Our motto : Never underestimate a hardware problem you can’t confirm two ways…
It used to be so easy… break-fix, fix-the-break – or else! Today, computer service and repair often combines computer maintenance and warranty contracts with busy field technicians, as well as end-of-life refurbishing. Resolving computer service issues, first-time, is the key to customer satisfaction. Computer testing methods must quickly determine “is it hardware or is it software”?
At customers’ sites, in the computer shop, controlling a customer rant, during computer manufacturing failures, or refurbishing computers for repurposing – all require strategic, test processes, PC diagnostic and troubleshooting tools, as well as effective data wiping utilities to ensure reliable computer hardware. A two-pronged test methodology: tools and test plan. Since 1980, Eurosoft has confidentially provided PC testing solutions for a variety of computer development, servicing, benchmarks and partner needs worldwide.
Often, the best testing intentions are not supported by reliable computer diagnostic or data wiping software – your critical test bed for locating PC hardware faults and solving computer problems. Freeware is certainly free, but support costs ultimately far exceed your well-planned computer testing plans. Vendor tools appear perfect, but are not a one-test-tool fits all computer hardware. Trying to manage your computer testing plans with a load of PC test utilities — more often a mixed bag good intentions – will not assist your testing capabilities. And these won’t protect you from repeat computer service calls either.
Ask yourself these difficult testing questions:
- Are customers’ PCs delivered thoroughly tested?
- How do I demonstrate (and prove) that the computers I support and service, and my computer maintenance contracts are reliable?
- Are my computer testing staff effective, using the latest diagnostic software tools and test plan processes?
- Is my reputation for high quality computers and computer services at risk?
Eurosoft’s computer diagnostic software and test management solutions ensure that your PCs are thoroughly tested across the widest range of PC devices, servers and dedicated control systems – regardless of brand. Serious computer diagnostics for large PC developments, support, service and repair, and super-portable test solutions for smaller PC specialist and maintenance needs.
Transform your service facilities with timely, customer-presentable diagnostics, using Windows-based or auto/self-boot testing. Track PC reliability and solve computer problems at all stages of computer servicing – guarantee reliability with Eurosoft’s computer diagnostic solutions.
Case Study
Eurosoft’s memory tests, hard drive tests and CPU tests, combined with stress testing and burnin testing ensure thoroughly tested, dependable computers. Comprehensive system information and test reports prove computer build configurations, PC servicing and repair, maintenance contracts and warranty claims – consistently reducing your costs. Your test staff have easy-to-use, professional hardware diagnostic tools to do their job speedily and accurately – removing computer problems. And with coordinated testing, your reputation for reliable computers, and all those great services, only increase.
Sign-up for an online demonstration, targeting your testing needs.
Recommended diagnostic products for computer servicing needs:
- Pc-Check® Windows® Diagnostic Software
- Pc-Check UEFI®
- Pc-Check® Diagnostic Software
- ZeroData™ Windows® Hard Drive Eraser
- Test Accessories and Tools
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