Testing Needs
Computer Testing Needs for Manufacturing
As fast as you can build them, industry will change ‘em… Industry abounds with new computer hardware every day. …UEFI is leading a new industry standard… priorities arise:…how to better control service issues, reducing product returns, hanging on to profits… shipments of faulty configurations. Eurosoft computer diagnostic solutions, such as PC Builder Test Management Suite, ensure that your PCs are thoroughly tested across the widest range of PC products. Scalable for large and small system builders, you can be assured of a reliable diagnostic solution to support your testing needs. More…
Computer Testing Needs for Services
Divert computer disasters every day of the week… It used to be so easy… break-fix, fix-the-break – or else! Today, computer service and repair often combines computer maintenance contracts with busy field technicians, as well as end-of-life refurbishing.
Eurosoft’s troubleshooting PC diagnostic and test tools, such as Pc-Check UEFI and Pc-Check Windows, quickly and accurately identify problems and validate repairs or refurbishing processes. Secure data wiping tools, ZeroData Windows, permanently destroys hard drive data for managing data removal requirements. More…
Computer Testing Needs for Support
Connecting and correcting disconnected computer issues… Beyond trendy expressions such as “self-healing” PCs… I.T. professionals, online and help desk technical support roles will require hands-on PC troubleshooting… disconnected from remote access.
Eurosoft’s diagnostics, such as Virtual Pc-Check, keep PCs installed and in the field, keeping your staff and customers happy, while saving you time and money. More…
Computer Testing Needs for Specialists
Solving big ideas, bigger problems – learn, test, earn… PC communities –…computer shops…educating services…associations…and gaming enthusiasts – command a varied and wider reach for computer testing needs. Hands-on PC troubleshooting tools… must demonstrate hardware issues…while solving computer problems. Eurosoft’s stringent diagnostic software, Pc-Check UEFI and Pc-Check Windows, thoroughly test new and upgraded PCs with over 300 tests. Secure data wiping is available with ZeroData Windows too, providing a clean-slate to hard drives when needed. More…