Eurosoft PC Reliability Diagnostic & Data Erasure Software
Critical, detailed, core-hardware and burn-in testing plus ultra secure data erasure.
Test all brands of PC-based hardware, quickly and thoroughly, with or without an operating system. User options for portable USB, network share, embedded fixed media and ROM projects, and production / refurbishing testing – all kinds of testing and data erasure requirements to validate the systems and devices you are responsible for, whatever business or public category, wherever located. Choose the options that fit your needs and preferences. Test all hardware components separately or combined with detailed diagnostics. Securely wipe all data from storage drives individually, in batch mode, or chained to diagnostics.
Over 500 test options… All varieties of memory testing and storage drive testing, broadest CPU testing coverage, mainboard testing, USB and other ports, keyboards and more. 45 compliance data destruction options… All varieties of storage drive data erase/sanitize/purge SSD, NVMe, EMMc, HDD, SATA to the highest data erasure standard including IEEE, NIST 800-88 Rev.1 & ISO/IEC 27040:2015 methods.
Pc-Check® UEFI boots to the “native” UEFI hardware, giving you accurate and reliable UEFI component test results – no OS required; includes Pc-Check.
Pc-Check® as your ready-to-use diagnostic software for legacy systems. With the self-booting feature, you don’t worry about the OS installed.
Pc-Check® Windows® is ideal for testing in full Windows where drivers are loaded for graphic support or choose Microsoft WinPE pre-boot for faster hardware testing in a smaller Windows environment.
ZeroData™ Windows® permanently, securely and safely wipes out all data on storage drives, meeting the data destruction standards by major organisations and Government bodies for PC reassignment, trade, upgrades, retail, refurbishment, recycling and donation.
Options to combine all software tools as one process from one session. Reports for all diagnostic and data erase software results ensuring good documentation.